Buying a small business on Baton

What's the best way to approaching buying a business on Baton.
Can I see the listing without making an account?
We require all prospective buyers to complete a signup process, which doubles as your NDA, for the privacy and the security of the seller's informatio...
Can you give me a call to discuss the deal?
Absolutely! We'd love to chat live about your interest in a business and help you determine if it's the right fit. So we can best keep track of your r...
How do I find a business to buy on Baton?
As of November, 2023, you can sign up as a Baton Buyer to use Explore, a first-of-its-kind small business acquisition search. The search works the sam...
I requested further information about the business on the listing. When should I expect to hear back?
If you requested information from the seller using the Next Steps on the listing page, we will reach out to the seller on your behalf within 24 hours,...
I requested a meeting with the M&A Advisor for this deal. When should I expect to hear back?
You can expect up to 24 hours for a response from our team. Rest assured: if you submitted an information request on the right hand side of our listin...
How much does it cost to use Baton for a business acquisition?
Because it's still early, and we're building out our Buyer experience, it does not cost anything extra to buy a business on Baton.
What's the advantage of Baton over other small business marketplaces?
There are other small business listing sites and SMB marketplaces, but the main difference between Baton and them is that everything you see on Baton ...