How is Baton any different from other small business marketplaces?


Small business listing sites and SMB marketplaces have been a round for a while, offering various ways to sell your business online. Here are some of the differences between them and Baton:

  1. We are not a "listing site." Seller-buyer misalignment is one of the biggest reasons deals fall through. You will have real data to justify your asking price and to align with potential buyers from the start, saving you time and effort here.

  2. The free valuations you get from us are worth something since they're based on your business's financial records. Other sites may offer you something different.

  3. There are zero bots here for you or the buyers to wade through.

  4. With Baton, owners call the shots. When a buyer is interested in your business, they will let one of our trusted Acquisition Advisors know. We'll relay the message, and you decide if you'd like to start a conversation.

  5. Ultimately, the cut we take from the sale of your business is smaller than the cost of a typical broker you might find on a listing site, so you can paid for your life's work.